PG Monthly Newsletter (1999-02-12)

by Michael Cook on February 12, 1999

Subject: Gutenberg Volnteers' Newsletter
From: "Michael S. Hart" <>
To: "Project Gutenberg Volunteers' List" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 11:29:40 -0600 (CST)

This is Project Gutenberg's Volunteers' Newsletter for February, 1999

We are redoing Pride and Prejudice. . .if anyone is interested in new
work on this, please let me know. . .we could possibly use some help.

We are also going to need some serious help if we are going to get to
Don Quixote in Spanish for our Etext #2000, which is only now some 90
Etexts away. . .and we have not had much luck in finding editions the
copyright has obviously gone out of. . . .  We need to find editions,
from any country, that were published before 1923. . . .


I have a bunch of books available for scanning. For
list, please see:

Michael Oltz <>


Things have gone pretty slowly since the holidays, the last 45 days
might be first time I can remember that we have not actually made a
number of Etexts equal to our schedule, though we are still quite a
bit ahead of our 1999 schedule, but falling back slightly.

If you have sent in xeroxes or Etexts I have not dealt with, please
let me know. . . .


Here are the thank you notes that have arrived since the last issue
of the Volunteers' Newsletter.


I probably wouldn't have had the opportunity to read this and be thus
affected if it were not on the internet.  Thank you for the work you
are doing. God bless.

While I am writing I shall add that your Gutenberg Project is excellent.
I have downloaded many books, and even managed to find time to read a few,
and passed the books and your site location on to others.

I will pass you kind words on to our volunteers!

By the way, please keep up the GREAT work!  I thoroughly enjoy the
e-texts.  And more importantly, I'm certain my children and future
generations will reap incalculable rewards from your diligence.

Bravo for this fantastic Project, like "Amanuenses" six centuries after.

THANK YOU for PG invention & inventory.

I was thrilled to find the volumes of material that
have populated the web as a result of your project.

Thanks for your work.  It is much appreciated.

I've long enjoyed using your e-texts from way back.

Project Gutenburg speaks well of yourself and your endeavors.

Regards and congratulations on what you have achieved.

As a literature student, I find you websites
interesting and very helpful.

I have been aware of your wonderful e-text library
and benefitted from it on several occasions.

We all congratulate you for your work on Project Gutenberg.

I have used the Project Guttenberg site to read some
great classics, and I also want to say thanks for that.

Thanks not only for a great work, but also for a great idea...

Congratulations for your project.

What a wonderful and generious gift to share with the world!
I am so impressed with what you are doing in creating an
electronic public library for the world.  Thank you very
much for being so insightful and wanting to share knowledge
with so vast an  audience.  In a way this is probably the
first distance learning site on the internet.

With all your hard work you rightfully deserve much respect.
Thanks and please keep up your good work.,

Your project is, in my opinion, one of the greatest ever imagined since
the printing press, indeed! And you can be sure that over here, in France,
your internet address is transmitted to whoever might be interested.

Thanks for your GREAT site!

I read the Wired article about PG and your work and you have truly
inspired me to look at the world in a completely new way. The work
you are doing will probably revolutionise the world.  Keep up the
excellent work!

I am very glad that you have created such an incredible project.
Your online resources and your promotion of literacy is invaluable.

In the meantime... I offer my congratulations and
encouragement for your wonderful enterprise.

Thanks very much for Project Gutenberg, a terrific effort
in IMHO one of the nicer things the internet can offer.

First allow me to express my appreciation for the excellent
work which you and your various teams are performing.

Finally!  The site I have been waiting for!   Wonderful!

I read the Wired profile of your great Gutenberg work, and I want to
congratulate you and offer my encouragement and appreciation.

I wanted to say that I've enjoyed a number of the texts that you've
posted at Project Gutenberg, and I look forward to seeing more.

I recently learned about Project Gutenberg and wrote to you on October 29
for information on downloading.  You replied on October 30.  I have now
downloaded three titles and plan to increase my library.  I think your site
is incredible.  I've been telling everyone I know about it.

Recently, I came across I think what the Gutenberg project is
doing is nothing less than spectacular. Preserving the world's literature,
I'm sure, is quite the accomplishment. Good job and thank you.

I would also like to thank you for the work you are coordinating here.
I feel that this is a very worthy project and believe deeply in the
freedom of information; as well as giving greater access to great works
and valuable literature.

Keep up the good work!!

Thank you for making these texts available to me...I have been looking for the
book "The Mansion" by Henry Van Dyke...and someone e=mailed me that I could
find it here and so much more.  You have done a wonderful service.
I can't wait to have time to look through all those wonderful books.

I am sure that you get a lot of response from the users of your web site.
I only want to recap what I am sure the majority of your respondents
communicate. I love your concept and the materials that you provide
to the world.

After seeing all these copyright statements on these HTML books, I
have a greater appreciation for what Project Gutenberg is trying to
accomplish. I wonder what part of "Public Domain" they don't understand.

I recently visited Project Putenberg, and I was really interested.
I am very fond of reading books, especially the classics.

Congratulations, it is a great public service web page.

For many years I have admired the efforts of all the volunteers of Project
Gutenberg, to offer to anyone with an interest in reading, FREE books in
digital format. Actually, you offer more than free books --you offer
accessibility to otherwise hard-to-be-found material.

Keep up the good work there.  I admire your ambitious undertaking.

I should tell you: in the last two days I've been approached by several
people who have already read selections from your collection and are
delighted to have access.  Yours is a good mission! [From a new site]

Thanks a million and keep up the good work!!!
I spent some very enjoyable hours reading from your website.

I am  writing you as a result of my recent delighted
exposure to the Project Gutenberg sites on the internet.

Came across Project Gutenberg. I must say, you have a
great looking website and an excellent thing going on here!

I want to say that I recently was introduced to your project and the
related web sites by a friend who works in the head trauma/special needs
environment.  I was impressed by the collection you have amassed and to
my surprise I was given privilege to hear the text spoken with some
software that translated the etext.  It truly was a revelation for me.

I just read about your Project in Biblio's recent article about etexts
and am captivated by what you have done.  Have subscribed to your newsletter.
Just want to thank you for this phenomenal resource I am only just beginning
to mine.  [Mine is a Web term for getting value from the Internet]

Congratulations for the very interesting
and important work that you are all doing.

Thanks for your continued efforts!

I am very grateful for the e-texts that Project Gutenberg has made available.
Thank you for making information and literature available on the Internet.

I read about your work with project gutenburg in wired.
I've always been a great fan of getting literature and books on the web.
I think your efforts are magnificent and should be continued.
Thanks for all your hard work, hopefully someday people will
understand the importance of this.


I hope you will add my own thanks to the list



Michael S. Hart, Professor of Electronic Text
Benedictine University [Illinois Benedictine]
Carnegie Mellon University Visiting Scientist

Executive Director of Project Gutenberg Etext
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