Judge Refuses To Disable Spamhaus

by Michael Cook on October 25, 2006

A judge in Illinois has rejected a petition by e360 Insight to force the closure of the Internet domain of antispam company Spamhaus. Last month, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois ordered Spamhaus to pay e360 Insight $11.7 million in damages for blacklisting the company, which keeps users of Spamhaus’s antispam list from accepting messages from the e360 Insight domain.


Following that ruling, e360 Insight asked the court to suspend the spamhaus.org domain, but Judge Charles Kocoras rejected that request. Blocking the Spamhaus domain, he said, would prevent the company from engaging in activities that the court considers legitimate and would be unduly severe.


For its part, Spamhaus insists that e360 Insight is in fact a spammer. Spamhaus, which is based in the United Kingdom, has also said it is under no obligation to pay the fine imposed by the Illinois court because that court has no jurisdiction over Spamhaus’s actions.

Silicon.com, 23 October 2006




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