Future History: Spacefaring Societies, Resources and Logistics

by Meyer Moldeven on March 26, 2008

I recently updated my Future History: Spacefaring Societies, Resources and Logistics essay, that expands on the Afterwords and References chapters in my e-novel ‘The Universe–or Nothing.’ The novel (2006) is archived in the Project Gutenberg Library Archive Foundation (PGLAF) from where it may be freely downloaded at: http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/18257

The essay (about 8,000 words and more than 20 active links to supporting data) may be freely downloaded at: http://scribe1917x.livejournal.com/4923.html

The novel and the follow-on essay speculate on a possible far-stretching future for humankind from realities of this era.

Excerpt from the essay’s Preface:

There is a convergent, worldwide focus in these early decades of the 21st century on:

— the Earth’s steadily diminishing reserves of accessible metals, minerals and other natural-state ‘nonrenewable’ substances that are essential to sustain civilization’s industrial base into the future;

— developing technological and logistics’ concepts and capabilities to locate, identify and acquire essential industrial-base substances from ever-deepening wells in the Earth’s crust and sea beds; and increasing confidence that, in time, the planet’s diminishing reserves of ‘industrial-base nonrenewables’ will be replenished from elsewhere throughout the Solar System and beyond;


— Initiatives and commitments throughout the world toward creating the means by which humankind will transform into realities its vision of evolving into an eventual spacefaring race.

Meyer Moldeven (Mike)


‘It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.’
Dr. Robert H. Goddard, Rocket Pioneer


‘There is no way back into the past; the choice, as H. G. Wells once said, is ‘the universe — or nothing.’ Though men and civilizations may yearn for rest, for the dream of the lotus-eaters, that is a desire that merges imperceptibly into death. The challenge of the great spaces between the worlds is a stupendous one; but if we fail to meet it, the story of our race will be drawing to its close.”
Arthur C. Clarke

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