Michael Hart

40 Years of Project Gutenberg: A Mini Guide

Project Gutenberg: A Mini Guide

As today marks the 40th anniversary of Project Gutenberg we have a special ebook gift for all our volunteers and visitors. Marie Lebert and friends have put together a mini picture guide on the history of Project Gutenberg; from the founding of the project by Michael Hart, to the first native French ebook, the inauguration […]

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Project Gutenberg: Perfect eBooks Challenge

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In an unprecedented move, Michael Hart, the inventor of eBooks, has announced he will buy lunch for anyone who can find errors, to the tune of one per chapter [10K of text] in the flagship of eBooks, The Alice in Wonderland Stories. This includes the two books that are often portrayed together: Alice’s Adventures in […]

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Distributed Proofreaders Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Distributed Proofreaders (thumbnail)

Project Gutenberg was launched by Michael Hart in July 1971 to create free electronic versions of literary works and disseminate them worldwide. The project got its first boost with the invention of the web in 1990, and its second boost with the creation of Distributed Proofreaders in 2000, to help digitizing books from public domain. […]

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Project Gutenberg and Languages

Project Gutenberg has been a visionary project launched by Michael Hart in July 1971 to create free electronic versions of literary works and disseminate them worldwide. The project got its first boost with the invention of the web in 1990, and its second boost with the creation of Distributed Proofreaders in 2000, to help digitizing […]

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Working Towards Project Gutenberg’s 50th Year

One of our newest projects is to solicit suggestions as to where Project Gutenberg should be in it’s 50th year.  The current suggestions are: Make it more obvious that PG wants error messages–how to write them, where to send them, etc. Make it more obvious that PG will send DVD’s so the people who have […]

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Project Gutenberg’s CEO and Founder together in Illinois

Thumbnail image for Project Gutenberg’s CEO and Founder together in Illinois

PG founder Michael Hart and PGLAF CEO Greg Newby will be on the panel for the upcoming symposium, Fifty Years of Public Computing at the University of Illinois, held on the University of Illinois campus. The registration is free but there are limited spaces so if you want to see both Michael and Greg then […]

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What I Like About eBooks by Michael Hart

Thumbnail image for What I Like About eBooks by Michael Hart

One of those things I like best about eBooks is giving them away. Not just giving them away, but how easy it is to give them away–and how many you can give away with such little effort. Another wonderful thing about eBooks is that you can correct what you find in error, or just make […]

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An Interview with Michael Hart

Thumbnail image for An Interview with Michael Hart

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Michael Hart, former editor and founder of Project Gutenberg. In our interview, Michael discusses the future of PG, and looks back on how it has evolved through changing times. So why are you passing the editor torch? This isn’t the first time. It’s mostly to get PG used […]

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Why The Inventor Of eBooks Says Kindle Won’t Go

Thumbnail image for Why The Inventor Of eBooks Says Kindle Won’t Go

Many people have argue with me for years on the subject of dedicated eBook reader devices, with any number of reasons they like them, but it is really only that they can’t read small print or they still want “the look and feel” of the dead trees pulp bound up in dead animal skins. I […]

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Towards A Universal Digital Library: A Few Milestones

Many of us dream of a universal digital library freely available on the web, i.e. available anywhere and at any time. Thanks to Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive and others, we are getting there, at least for the books from public domain. The process began a while ago with a few pioneers – It is […]

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A History of Project Gutenberg from 1971-2005

This article is dedicated to all Project Gutenberg and Distributed Proofreaders volunteers on the five continents, who offer us a free library of 16,000 high-quality eBooks, mainly classics of world literature, with a goal of one million eBooks in ten years. This article is also available in French.

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