
PG Monthly Newsletter (2012-07-04)

This is the Project Gutenberg Newsletter for July, 2012 In this newsletter: * Birthday of the eBook * Grand opening of * EBook #40000 * New eBook listings * Birthday of the eBook Today is July 4. It is the Independence Day holiday in the United States, and marks the 41st birthday of electronic […]

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Project Gutenberg Yearly Overview: 2010

Project Gutenberg (thumbnail)

Noon, January 6, 2011, was the end of Project Gutenberg’s 2010 production year. A great deal happened during the year though perhaps the most important was how 2010 became the year of the ebook. All ebook websites reported an increase in downloads, especially at the end of the year. also saw a big increase, […]

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Project Gutenberg: Timeline Events

Thumbnail image for Project Gutenberg: Timeline Events

The latest Project Gutenberg Grand Total figures have just passed 37,500 titles this past month and will have 40,000 eBooks during our 40th year celebration, 1,000 a year over 40 years doesn’t sound like much, but we are on track right now to do 5,000 this year. We are currently giving away about 100,000 books […]

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Project Gutenberg Ends One Year And Starts Another

Noon, January 6, 2010, is the end of our calendar production year number 39 and the beginning of our 40th year, though our 40 years of calendar time won’t be complete until July 5, 2011. Milestones Of The Year In 2009 we saw our 35,000th internally produced eBook go out, and our 25,000 in English, […]

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The 2008 Project Gutenberg Year In Review

eBooks Readable By Both Humans And Computers Since 1971 It’s been another fantastic year at Project Gutenberg with yet many more landmarks and milestones to add to an ever increasing list. The Complete “CIA World Factbooks” The latest project to be completed is “The CIA Factbook,” complete, from 1990 to 2008. It has been many […]

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Project Gutenberg December 2008 Newsletter

Over the last month we officially passed 32,000 original Project Gutenberg eBooks, including all our usual listings and almost 2,500 eBooks at PrePrints. This means the original Project Gutenberg editions now list as many titles as the average U.S. public library. 27,475 + 287 112008 PG General Automated Count 1,723 + 6 111808 PG Australia […]

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Project Gutenberg November 2008 Newsletter

The big news this month is that Project Gutenberg has officially passed 30,000 original eBooks, bringing the the original Project Gutenberg editions to as many titles as the average U.S. public library. 27,188 (+212) 11/20/08 – PG General Automated Count 1,717 (+ 11) 11/18/08 – PG Australia 542 (+ 12) 10/21/08 – PG Europe 2,461 […]

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Project Gutenberg Newsletter for September 2008

Project Gutenberg founder, Michael Hart, has now sent out the latest PG newsletter. We are just about to reach a new milestone; We are rapidly approaching 30,000 eBooks in the originating Project Gutenberg collections…we should pass 30,000 before the end of the year. It’s interesting to note that eBooks in the Chinese language are coming […]

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PG Canada Newsletter for September 2008

Mark from PG Canada sent through his monthly newsletter covering the activities for August 2008. With 12 new eBooks released in August (7 English, 5 French) the total number of PGCA titles now reaches 164! GENRES 6 of the books were novels 3 were children’s books 2 were collections of short stories and novellas 1 […]

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August 2008 – Statistics Update

Michael Hart has sent out his monthly newsletter for August 2008 and during this last month there have been a few nice milestones from the various PG projects. First up, Greg Newby has provided us with an update on the top languages found at Currently there are over 100 languages available in the archives […]

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Project Gutenberg archives reach 28,000 eBook titles!

As of May 21, 2008: “Original Project Gutenberg eBook” site totals have reached 28,000, details below. Please do not forget the 1600+ from PG of Australia, the ~500 from PG Europe, and the ~100 from PG Canada, with a detailed list included below. Not to mention the sites: with 75,000+ eBooks, and Project Runeberg […]

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