eBooks: 1971-2011 TOC

by Michael Cook on July 7, 2011

eBook 1971-2011 TOC

After 12 years of research involving more than one hundred people, Marie Lebert has posted English translations of her work on 40 years of eBooks. To help you navigate through the series we’ve created this post to act as the Table of Contents for the articles.

Each essays title is prefixed with the word “eBooks” followed by a date, then title, and each post includes a link to the next essay in the series, along with a link back to this TOC.

Along with the Introduction post, a useful read prior to these essays is Marie’s History of Project Gutenberg, which also covers the first 20 years of eBooks; 1971 through 2010.

Marie has also created ebook versions of her essays, which covers the full 40 years of history;

Download “eBooks: 1971-2011 (PDF)” ebook-40-en.pdf – Downloaded 1232 times – 432 KB

All language versions are also available from the Project Gutenberg archives.

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